Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Be Nice

So I thought I'd give a little insight into my choice in name for my blog.  Yeah I know you probably don't care, but I started a blog and as such, am obligated to fill it with inane posts about nothing.

So, B's Nice Photography.  Beyond the obvious of strongly implying I (being 'B') take nice photo's, its also a play on words of the phrase, "Be Nice".  Which, in my opinion, could have been placed nice and neatly on a single small tablet and handed over to Moses as "The One Commandment" and the rest of the bible wouldn't have needed to be written. 

It would have seriously saved those poor medieval scribes a lot of time, a crap load of trees and been far less likely to be misinterpreted, misused and misunderstood.  I mean, "Thou Shalt not Kill" is pretty straight forward, but somehow, it often gets subjected to quantifiers such as "except in the name of thy country" or "unless someone disagrees with these ten commandments".

"Be Nice".  Simple, straight forward, covers every situation no matter your race, sex, culture, sexual orientation, religion, etc and is rather hard to argue against.

If everyone would just be nice to one another in all their daily dealings, personal & business, the world's problems would literally vanish over night.

I know, over simplified, utopian idea. Still, it's how I try to live my life.  Please let me know if I'm not.

Photo of the day: Fountain at Chalice Well, England

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Photo of the day: Stone at Avebury

Photo of the day: Louie

Had a busy night, so missed yesterday's photo, so here it is.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I am a Photographer

Art is so subjective. What I view as art, you may view as just a glass of water. Such is life. This blog is where I am going to try and explore my artistic side and maybe learn a thing or two about photography along the way.
You see, I have had a desire to be a "photographer" for a long time. Why haven't I become one? You know, the usual excuses. No time. No money. No skill (a.k.a. self-doubt). No formal training. No money or time to acquire formal training.
Well, today that stops. Screw the time, money, training and especially the self-doubt.

Today, I officially declare myself a "Photographer".